Deputies will check programs of economic-social impact in Cuba

Deputies to the National Assembly of People’s Power (ANPP, parliament) of Cuba will oversee the economic-social impact plans in the first half of the year, the website of the legislative body refers today.

The control exercise plans to focus on the programs of the country’s energy, geological and mining sectors, with visits to works in progress, thermoelectric plants and investments with renewable energy sources, According to what emerged in a videoconference held this Tuesday with the parliamentarians.

Santiago Lajes, at the head of the Assembly’s Industry, Construction and Energy committee, emphasized the importance of adding to the audit to university professors and to be trained in topics such as the recently approved Law of Territorial and Urban Planning and Land Management, for its proper implementation.

He also alluded to the participation of the deputies in the work of transforming neighborhoods and communities across the country s, while pointing out the need to monitor approved policies on energy saving.

Legislators will also set their sights on the sugar harvest in the period corresponding to the campaign and the analysis of the pig production program in the country.

In reference to the first of these issues, the parliamentarians will check in the production bases the attention to workers, the fulfillment of the harvest and the indicators of planned efficiency, among other aspects.

To evaluate the development of pig production, for their part, they will visit different producers, in order to detect the best experiences and propose proposals for their recovery gradual.

The control actions programmed will also be directed to the process of improvement of the organs of the People’s Power, the control over the rendering of accounts to the voters and the implementation of the development strategy territorial and other issues.

(Prensa Latina)

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