Diddy Reportedly Hits Shyne Barrow With Cease-And-Desist Following The Release Of His ‘The Honorable Shyne’ Documentary

If raining on a parade was a person it would be Diddy. The music mogul has hit his former Bad Boy artist, Shyne Barrow with a cease-and-desist letter for Barrow’s new Hulu documentary, ‘The Honorable Shyne.’

RELATED: Former Bad Boy Artist Shyne Barrow Reacts To Diddy’s Arrest (VIDEO)

Details On Diddy’s Cease-And-Desist Letter To Shyne Barrow

According to Page Six, Sean “Diddy” Combs wasn’t trying to stop Shyne’s film from dropping. Combs allegedly wanted to “ensure” the documentary got the facts right.

Shyne’s documentary, ‘The Honorable Shyne,’ dropped on Hulu on November 18 and is now streaming. The film dives into Shyne Barrow’s evolution from Grammy-winning rapper to serving time behind bars. It also highlights his political rise in Belize as Opposition Leader, along with his journey of resilience and redemption.

More Info About Shyne & His Reaction To Diddy’s Arrest

On December 27, 1999, a fight escalated at Club New York in NYC, where Shyne, Diddy, and Jennifer Lopez, Combs’ girlfriend at the time were present. Gunshots injured three bystanders, leading to Diddy and Lopez’s arrest after police found a weapon in their vehicle. Lopez dodged charges, and the court acquitted Diddy in 2001. Shyne, who was 21 at the time, was sentenced to a 10-year sentence for assault. However, he served eight years in prison before authorities deported him to Belize in 2009.

In September, Shyne addressed Diddy’s arrest during a press briefing in Belize. As TSR previously reported, authorities charged the 55-year-old with sex trafficking, racketeering, and transporting individuals for prostitution. Shyne emphasized that he takes no pleasure in anyone’s downfall. However he credited the Bad Boys Records founder as the person who essentially “ruined” his life.

RELATED: Former Bad Boy Artist Shyne Barrow Reacts To Diddy’s Arrest (VIDEO)

Additionally, he also mentioned that he did consider accepting resources from Combs to support Belize, but he remained firm in holding him accountable for the damage done to his life.

“I was defending Diddy and he turnt around and called witnesses to testify against me and he pretty much sent me to prison. So that is the context by which you must always describe that relationship. Yes, I forgave, I moved on, but let us not pretend as if I was in Miami for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Let us not loose sight of what the cold, hard facts are. This is not someone who I vacationed with and he and I enjoyed this great, intimate relationship of brotherhood. This is someone who destroyed my life.”

RELATED: Shyne Sides With Cassie And “All Other Victims” Who’ve Made “Horrendous Allegations” Against Diddy

What Do You Think Roomies?

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