Dive Into TECNO’s Hi-Tech Launch With Tiwa Savage, Elozonam, Saga And More

TECNO’s Hi-Tech Launch Event was nothing short of a spectacle, captivating audiences with the unveiling of cutting-edge innovations. Amidst the buzz of the CAMON 30 and POVA 6 series, the spotlight shone brightly on the distinguished guests.

Reality TV stars Saga, Elozonam, and Liquorose mingled with tech influencers Valor Reviews, Miss Techy, Fisayo Fosudo, and Izziboye, while movie star Linda Osifo added a touch of glamour. And let’s not forget the luminaries of the music world: Magicxx, Reekado Banks, African’s bad girl Tiwa Savage, and fashion icons like Enioluwa and Akin Faminu. Step into the realm of stardom—see the exclusive snapshots from the event now!

Ayomitide Adeyinka

Ayomitide Adeyinka is a content writer, crypto journalist and editor with a Bsc in Political Science. He is also an egalitarian.

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