Djokovic to be deported from Australia after losing appeal over visa

Novak Djokovic is set to be deported from Australia after losing a court appeal against the cancellation of his visa.

Three judges upheld a decision to revoke the unvaccinated tennis star’s visa on public interest grounds, meaning he cannot defend his Australian Open title.

He is reportedly due to leave Australia on a flight in the coming hours.

In a statement following the court’s decision, Djokovic said he was “extremely disappointed with the ruling” and he would be “taking some time to rest and to recuperate”.

He added: “I am uncomfortable that the focus of the past weeks has been on me and I hope that we can all now focus on the game and tournament I love.”

Follow live: All the reaction to Djokovic’s visa appeal decision

Novak Djokovic departs the Park Hotel ahead of the latest hearing

Image: Djokovic departs the Park Hotel ahead of the latest hearing

The full reasons behind the judges’ unanimous ruling will be published in the “coming days”, with Djokovic also ordered to pay the government’s court costs.

He now faces a three-year ban on returning to the country, with the ruling coming just a day before the start of the Australian Open.

Djokovic’s visa was revoked for a second time on Friday after immigration minister Alex Hawke said the Serbian’s presence in Australia posed a public health risk.

The minister argued that Djokovic risked whipping up anti-vaccination sentiment and causing civil unrest during Australia’s worst outbreak of COVID-19 since the pandemic began.

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Following Sunday’s hearing, Mr Hawke said he welcomed the ruling to uphold his decision to cancel Djokovic’s visa “in the public interest”.

“Australians have made great sacrifices to get to this point and the Morrison government is firmly committed to protecting this position, as the Australian people expect,” he added.

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Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison also welcomed the Federal Court’s ruling, saying the decision will help “keep our borders strong and keep Australians safe”.

“It’s now time to get on with the Australian Open and get back to enjoying tennis over the summer,” he added.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said he had spoken to Djokovic following the ruling and told the player “we cannot wait to see him”.

“I told him he is always welcome in Serbia,” Mr Vucic added.

Djokovic’s current vaccine views not sought, says lawyer

In making the decision to revoke Djokovic’s visa, Mr Hawke had cited comments made by the player in April 2020 when he said he was “opposed to vaccination”.

At Sunday’s appeal hearing, Djokovic’s lawyer Nick Wood said the minister was relying on “historic views” and that the tennis star’s current opinions had not been sought.

The court saga follows the controversial decision to grant Djokovic an exemption from COVID vaccination requirements to play at the Australian Open.

Serbia's Novak Djokovic celebrates with the trophy after winning his ninth Australian Open title - Melbourne Park, Melbourne, Australia, February 21, 2021

Image: Djokovic celebrates his 2021 Australian Open title

Lawyers for the world number one player had said a coronavirus infection last month meant he could legally enter the country.

Djokovic first had his visa revoked on arrival in Melbourne, but he won a court appeal against that cancellation which allowed him to remain in Australia.

He later acknowledged that his travel declaration was incorrect because it failed to indicate that he had been in multiple countries in the two-week period before his arrival in Australia.

Djokovic also admitted being interviewed in person by a journalist from a French magazine in December, even though he had tested positive for COVID the day before.

Djokovic’s absence ‘a loss for the game’

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Aus Open ‘more important than Novak’

British tennis star Andy Murray, who has known Djokovic since childhood, described the situation as “a sshow”.

Reacting to the court ruling, he told the BBC: “The situation has not been good all round for anyone.

“Hopefully, from all sides, from the tournament and from Novak, we can make sure this doesn’t happen at any other tournaments and that something is in place ahead of time.

“It feels everything here happened extremely last minute and that’s why it became such a sshow.”

The ATP, the governing body of men’s tennis, described the saga as a “deeply regrettable series of events” and said Djokovic’s absence was “a loss for the game”.

“Ultimately, decisions of legal authorities regarding matters of public health must be respected,” it added.

“ATP continues to strongly recommend vaccination to all players.”

Serbian tennis player Novak Djokovic practices at Melbourne Park as questions remain over the legal battle regarding his visa to play in the Australian Open in Melbourne, Australia, January 14, 2022. AAP Image/Diego Fedele via REUTERS ATTENTION EDITORS - THIS IMAGE WAS PROVIDED BY A THIRD PARTY. NO RESALES. NO ARCHIVE. AUSTRALIA OUT. NEW ZEALAND OUT

Image: Djokovic had been in practice for the Australian Open before his visa was revoked for a second time

Djokovic not seeking further legal challenge

Following the second cancellation of his visa, Djokovic had returned to the immigration hotel in Melbourne where he spent four nights last week.

Following Sunday’s court ruling, there was the possibility of a further legal challenge but it was confirmed half an hour after the decision that Djokovic was not seeking that option.

There has been criticism of the way the Australian government has handled the situation but public opinion has been firmly in favour of Djokovic being sent home.

Serbia’s president has hit out at the Australian government, accusing it of “harassing” and “maltreating” Djokovic, and asking whether it is trying to score political points ahead of upcoming elections.

Djokovic – a nine-time Australian Open champion who is seeking a record 21st Grand Slam singles title – was due to play his first-round match against fellow Serbian Miomir Kecmanovic on Monday.

He will now be replaced in the draw by a lucky loser.

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