Doc Rivers Put on Hot Seat by NBA Fans as Giannis, Bucks Get Crushed by Towns, Knicks

Zach BacharContributor INovember 9, 2024

MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE - OCTOBER 31: Head Coach Doc Rivers of the Milwaukee Bucks looks on during the third quarter against the Memphis Grizzlies at FedExForum on October 31, 2024 in Memphis, Tennessee. NOTE TO USER: User expressly acknowledges and agrees that, by downloading and or using this Photograph, user is consenting to the terms and conditions of the Getty Images License Agreement. (Photo by Wes Hale/Getty Images)

Wes Hale/Getty Images

The Milwaukee Bucks suffered a lopsided defeat at the hands of the New York Knicks on Friday night, falling by the final score of 116-94.

Milwaukee has continued to struggle to start its first full season under head coach Doc Rivers, sitting at 2-7 following the loss to New York.

The Knicks jumped out to an early 17-6 lead and didn’t look back, maintaining a 66-47 advantage entering halftime. New York extended its lead in the second half, sealing the victory.

Giannis Antetokounmpo scored 24 points and pulled down 12 rebounds, shooting 11-21 from the field. Damian Lillard struggled with his jumper, hitting just six of his 15 attempts.

Milwaukee Bucks @Bucks

Giannis oop. Giannis coast-to-coast.

Outside of Lillard and Antetokounmpo, no other member of Milwaukee’s lineup scored more than 10 points.

Fans questioned Rivers’ job security after the defeat.

Trey Crosby III Guru @TCIIIESQ

The fact Doc Rivers just continues to let this go on is insane….

Jason Smith @howaboutafresca

I said a week ago Doc Rivers might not make it to Christmas as Bucks HC. Now he really may not make it to Thanksgiving.

Matt Langone @MattLangone

Doc Rivers has been an absolute disaster with the Bucks. At what point will NBA teams realize that the dude just isn’t a good coach!?

Stefan Bondy @SbondyNBA

I’m still dumbfounded about Doc Rivers’ decision to defend Karl Anthony Towns with Brook Lopez, who is the prototype center for drop coverage. I’m not gonna let this go.

scoob @MostCrucified

doc rivers is the problem hes gotta go

Bleek @4_GROUND

Doc Rivers broke The Bucks®️ @BeatinTheBookie

Serious question, how does @DocRivers have a job still with that roster?

For the Knicks, Karl-Anthony Towns recorded his seventh consecutive double-double. He grabbed 11 rebounds to go along with his 32 points, scoring 27 in the first half alone. Towns shot 12-20 from the field, connecting on four three-pointers.

Bleacher Report @BleacherReport

KAT at the half vs BUCKS 🥶

27 PTS | 4 3PM | 7 REB

Knicks up BIG, 66-47

Since Rivers was hired in the middle of the 2023-24 season, he owns a 19-26 record with Milwaukee.

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