ĐOKIĆ'S KILLER IS OUR MAN! Aleksinac residents agree: Someone wanted the liquidation to look like a robbery in order to HIDE THE RIGHT MOTIVATION

UBICA ĐOKIĆA JE NAŠ ČOVEK! Meštani Aleksinca saglasni: Neko je hteo da likvidacija izgleda kao pljačka da bi SAKRIO PRAVI MOTIV

Photo: Kurir, Shutterstock

While the police are looking for the killers and the weapon with which the three-member Đokić family was brutally liquidated from Moravac near Aleksinac, the residents of that village do not rule out the possibility that the robbery mentioned as a motive for the crime is just a mask and that it is revenge.

Residents of Žitkovac and Moravac agree on one thing – that Goran was very careful. That is why, as they said, they do not believe the stories that he carried a large sum of money with him on the fateful night.

– I have known Goran for a long time, we went to school together. I remember his beginnings. You know, in those days he went out on the street to survive, like all of us. He worked with foreign exchange, and at the same time he procured goods from Bulgaria, which he sold. Goran was the first to open an exchange office in Aleksinac and it did well. However, I am sure that he did not carry 100,000 euros with him that day, as mentioned – Goran’s acquaintance says.

He adds that the suspicions that he was killed because of the money he wanted to buy his daughter Lidija’s apartment in Nis are not supported by the facts.

– God did not give what happened to anyone. A family was killed , and it is not known why. Everyone says that Goran sold the house to buy an apartment for his daughter Lidija. They just forget that it was two years ago and the question is how much money he got for the house. Here, real estate prices are different and much lower than those in Nis, let alone in Belgrade. Goran was strict and businesslike. He respected everyone, but he also asked others to do the same. I think someone wanted their liquidation to look like a robbery in order to hide the real motives. Because, if the motive is discovered, the killer will be found. It is rumored in the place that it is a matter of some revenge, but it is up to the police to determine. Would someone kill the whole family for money? If so, what amount would it be? – said Goran’s acquaintance, and added:

– That is why we suspect that they were killed for revenge, and that suspicion corroborates the information that Goran allegedly lent money to people. He may have entered into a loan agreement with some, and he did not have to repay it later, so Goran may have taken over his property. Also, there is a possibility that he did not want to lend money to someone and that there is a motive in that as well. On the other hand, during the search of Đokić’s apartment and exchange office, the police did not find the debtor’s notebook or any material evidence that would indicate that Goran lent money to others – said Goran’s friend.

As he says, everyone agrees that is a murderer from Aleksinac or the surrounding area .

– He is certainly our man, because Goran would not stop the car in front of strangers. Added to that is the fact that their bodies were found at the place where the sand separation was done. Only those who are from here know that place. Also, their burned car was found in the area of ​​the village of Tešice. All this indicates that someone has been preparing to commit a crime for a long time – said Goran’s acquaintance.

As it turns out, the police halfway between Moravac and Tešice, she found water balloons that Goran was transporting in his “Passat”.

– He often had balloons in his car that he carried and poured water into them. The killer probably realized that they could bother him, so he threw them somewhere halfway between the place where the bodies were hidden and the place where the car was burned. Ejecting a water balloon from a car can cost the killer of freedom – the source explained.

Let us remind you, Goran (57), Gordana (56) and their daughter Lidija (25) were killed with several shots from a firearm, most likely while they were in their car on the road between Moravac and Aleksinac. After the crime, the killer burned their bodies and buried them in a nearby field. In the village of Tesica, 12 kilometers from that place, their car was found, which was also burned. The family was buried in the village cemetery in Žitkovac .


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