Dow Jones closed up 90.73 points, gold fell.

Dow closed up 90.73 points to 34,390.72 points, while WTI crude oil fell 46 cents, gold fell 14.60 dollars

US stock market atmosphere last night (29 Sept.) .) Dow closed positive This was driven by strong buying power in defensive stocks such as utility and consumer stocks. However, the Nasdaq closed in negative territory as high US Treasury yields continued to rise. However, investors are eyeing Congress to pass a temporary budget bill and increase the US debt ceiling

. The Dow closed at 34,390.72, up 90.73 or . 0.26%
Nasdaq closed at 14,512.44, down 34.24 or -0.24%
S&P500. closed at 4,359.46 points, up 6.83 points, or 0.16%

. West Texas Intermediate crude futures (WTI) New York futures ended lower after the Bureau of Information Administration. The US government’s Energy Authority (EIA) said last night that U.S. crude stocks rose 4.6 million barrels last week. Contrary to analysts’ expectations for a fall of 4.5 million barrels

WTI crude for November delivery. Down 46 cents, or 0.6%, to close at $74.83 a barrel
Brent crude futures (BRENT) for delivery in November. Down 45 cents, or 0.6%, to close at $78.64 a barrel

gold contracts on the COMEX (Commodity Exchange) for December delivery. fell $14.60 to close at $1,722.90/ounce

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