“Dragons” take off

Author: Milovan Longinov

Tuesday 11.01.2022.


Source: Sportske.net, Beta

The football players of Voždovac gathered today and started preparations for the spring part of the season, the club reported.

Voždovac went to the winter break as the sixth-placed player in the domestic championship table, with only one point less from Vojvodina and Napredak, who occupy the fourth and fifth positions.

Before the first training, the football players were addressed by the director of the club Miloš Mirković, who wished everyone good health and happiness in the new year.

“First of all, I would like to greet you and wish everyone good health and happiness in the new year. We ended the first part of the season as the club expected, thanks to you and the professional staff, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your efforts, work and commitment, you defended the colors of this club in a dignified manner “, said Mirković.

*) The director of Voždovac stated that he expects the team to be even better this year and to continue with a series of good results.

“I want us to be even better and so on let’s have a series of good results. As always, there will be a change in the team, of course in order to achieve the desired goals. I appeal to all of you to take care of your health above all, to take care of yourself and be good and healthy for everything that lies ahead, ” he said.

The Belgrade team will train in Serbia for the next 10 days, while the second part of the preparations and the trip to Antalya are planned for January 20. Before leaving, on January 18, they will play a friendly match against Metalac.

Checks with opponents from Ukraine and Poland are scheduled in Turkey, while upon his return, Voždovac will be a guest of TSC, which will be a general rehearsal for the continuation of the championship.

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