‘Drink driver’ arrested after driving over roundabout and crashing car

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A ‘drink driver’ who allegedly drove over a roundabout before crashing his car has been arrested.

Police say the incident happened on the M60 at J6 (Sale Interchange).

The man allegedly exited the motorway and drove straight up and over a roundabout.

It’s said he then drove through some trees before hitting a kerb.

He was subsequently arrested after blowing a breathalyser reading of 88.

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In a tweet, North West Motorway Police said: “This driver was so drunk he didn’t realise you have to drive around a roundabout.

“Instead, he exited #M60 at J6, drove straight up and over the roundabout and through the trees before hitting a kerb.

“Driver arrested by #ME51. Breath sample of 88 provided in custody.”

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