Driven on the run

During the Olympics in Tokyo, Belarusian Krystsina Tsimanouskaja (24) was forced to flee after criticizing her two coaches on social media. The IOC is now conducting an investigation against the coaches.

ET LIV PÅ FLUKT: Krystsina Tsimanouskaja har levd i asyl i Polen siden hun ble drevet på flukt av det hvitrussiske regimet under OL i Tokyo. Foto: NTB
A LIFE ON THE RUN: Krystsina Tsimanouskaja has lived in an asylum in Poland since she was deported on the run by the Belarusian regime during the Olympics in Tokyo. Photo: NTB Show more

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has now started an investigation against the two Belarusian coaches who allegedly allegedly forced Krystsina Timanovskaya home during the Tokyo Olympics, after criticizing the Belarusian training apparatus on social media. It reports BBC

According to the BBC, the coaching staff showed up in her room and asked her to pack her things, and take her to the airport.

Athletics Integrity Unit (AIU) will now conduct the investigation of the two coaches, who had their Olympic accreditations revoked and removed from the Games.

«The IOC and World Athletics have jointly agreed to continue the investigation and to open a formal procedure against d e two coaches “, it is said in a statement. «« AIU will publish the results of the survey when this is completed “, it is further stated.


The Belarusian sprinter Kristina Timanovskaya is said to have been tried to fly home from Tokyo against her will, in a post on social media she asks the IOC for help. Video: AP, NTB Show more

Live on the run Timanovskaya refused to board the plane, fearing for his own safety. With the help of Japanese police at the airport, Tsimanouskaja managed, via detours, to get to Poland. There she was finally granted humanitarian asylum in Warsaw. The Belarusian Olympic Committee, for its part, claimed that she was being sent home due to her emotional and psychological condition, reported Sky News . Now the athlete is thus surrounded by six bodyguards around the clock in Poland. Completely without money. Will compete for Poland

However, it can take up to three years to change citizenship, but she hopes the process will be speeded up.

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