Drunk attacked porter in Pongau hotel

Knocked to the ground

Victim suffers from bruises and swellings

SB, Gewalt, Schlägerei, Faust Picture box
The drunk is said to have knocked the night porter to the ground. (SYMBOL IMAGE)

Published: October 9, 2021 10:10 am

A drunk attacked a Night porter in a Pongau hotel on Friday morning. He was taken to the Schwarzach hospital.

A 36-year-old, obviously intoxicated Austrian is said to have attacked the 47-year-old porter for an unexplained cause.

Drunk man hits and kicks hotel porter

He allegedly knocked the victim to the ground in the hotel corridor and kicked him, the police said in a broadcast on Saturday. The 47-year-old suffered bruises and swellings. He was treated at the Schwarzach Clinic. The 36-year-old is reported to the public prosecutor. For reasons of data protection law, the police did not want to disclose exactly where the incident took place, explains a spokeswoman on S24 request.

(Source : SALZBURG24)

Accessed on 09.10.2021 at 11:21 on https://www.salzburg24.at/ news / salzburg / pongau / hotelportier-im-pongau-attacked-by-drunk-people-110638156

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