During escape, young man hits motorcycle in car, falls and is arrested in Vilhena

By Folha do Sul
Published on 01/20/2022 at 08:00

At high speed, suspect almost hit cyclists on a busy avenue

In the early evening of this Wednesday, 19, a 25-year-old boy was arrested after intense persecution through the streets and avenues of Vilhena. It all started when the young man fled with the motorcycle he was riding when he saw the police car in the Jardim Primavera neighborhood.

At high speed, the motorcyclist started to escape through Perimetral Avenue and continued running through several streets. Even with the vehicle issuing stop orders, with the siren and gyroflex on, the boy ignored all the signs and police reinforcements were requested to close the siege against him.

Walking in the wrong direction on Perimetral, whose traffic was intense at the time, the accused almost missed cyclists and pedestrians. Upon arriving at BR 174, still at high speed, the suspect entered Avenida 1802, which gives access to the Exhibition Park. The police officers noticed that the young man put his hand on his waist and got rid of an object during the hallucinated escape.

Already on the corner of Rua 8225, the motorcycle driver tried to make a return to the Alto dos Parecis neighborhood, when he hit the bumper of the car and fell. The helmet came off and the accused was all shredded, however, he still tried to flee on foot, being overpowered by the military. He was taken to receive medical attention at the UPA before being presented at Unisp.

The support vehicle went to the place where the suspect dismissed the object, and located a wrapper with marijuana (65 grams) in addition to a small precision scale, the kind normally used to weigh toxics in drug trafficking.

At Unisp, the young man assumed that he was the owner of the objects discarded during the escape, but claimed that he was not dealing, claiming that the narcotic would be for your own consumption. The motorcycle with the inscription “Guided by God” on the fender was delivered along with the seized material.

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