“Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires” release date confirmed

If you remember, Earlier this year “Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires” was postponed, and there was no new release date.

But now the developer Omega Force and the publisher Koei Tecmo have finally settled the matter. They announced that this unparalleled hack and slash action game will be launched on December 23, 2021. Japan will be launched in Japan, and will be launched later in Europe and the United States on February 15, 2022.

“Dynasty Warriors 8 Empires” will be released on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series, Switch and PC. The game will be released in digital and physical form, but the PS5 and Steam versions will only provide a digital version.

It is worth mentioning that if you purchase the PS4 version (either physical or digital), you can upgrade to the PS5 digital version for free. As for more details about the game, you can go to the official website through this link .

The release date trailer can be found below.

Dynasty Warriors 9 Empires

《真‧三國無雙8 Empires》發行日期確èªå›‰ã€ŠçœŸâ€§ä¸‰åœ‹ç„¡é›™8 Empires》發行日期確èªå›‰

ã ???? ç ???? â ?? §ä¸ ?? å ???? ç ?? ¡é ???? 8 Empiresã ???? ç? ? ¼è¡ ?? æ ?? ¥ æ ???? ç ¢ ºèª ?? å ????

æ ?? ° è ????. ä½ ?? è ???? ç ?? º Alicia Chang

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æ ?? ° è ????. ä½ ?? è ???? ç ?? º Alicia Chang 2021å¹´ 03æ ???? 04æ ?? ¥, 11:18

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æ ?? ° and ????. ä½ ?? è ???? ç ?? º Alicia Chang
2020å¹´ 09æ ???? 28æ ?? ¥, 15:59

å °? ? ç ?? »é ?? ¸PCã ???? Xbox Oneã ???? Xbox Seriesã ???? PS4ã ???? PS5 é ???? æ ???? ä» »å¤ © å? ? Switchã ????

Note: This article has been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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