E Don Spoil! Man Begs For A Refund After Using His House Rent To Stake Bet [Video]

Irrespective of the predicaments that have befallen many who have dedicated their lives to sports betting, a man has become the latest victim in town after he used his house rent to stake a bet but lost the game.

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Some use their school fees, others use the capitals of their businesses, others also use their engagement money and other funds meant for different purposes but end up losing the game. Many have lost hope in life after losing the game while others see no means to live anymore and commit suicide after losing to the game.

In a video sighted on IG, a man was seen begging for a refund from a sports betting shop after he staked with his house rent and lost the game. In the video, the man who sounded very frustrated told the shopkeeper that he will be coming back for the money because that was the house rent he just spent on the bet slip.

Watch the video below:

In other news, Nana Aba Anamoah, a well-known Ghanaian media personality has been disappointed by a young man she helped secure a job at an establishment only for him to be caught stealing from the firm.

Earlier, Nana Aba Anamoah took o Instagram to reveal that a young man she helped to secure a job at a company has betrayed her and the company after he was caught stealing from his employer.

According to her disclosure, the young man received an amount of GHS4,500 monthly from the company she helped her secure the job in yet his greediness led him to steal more from the company. According to her, the employer claims the young man and some of his colleagues plotted to steal about GHS100,000 from his employer.

Source: Ghgossip.com

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