Elden Ring has fixed the problem I had with Dark Souls

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An abundance of save points

When Elden Ring was first thrust out into the world back in 2019, I have to admit I was pretty nonplussed about it. I’ve said before I’ve never been much of a Soulsite, and it’s not for lack of trying. I tried my darnedest to get into Dark Souls III when it first came out, but holy deathrattles, it was such a long, gruelling slog. Vordt of the Boreal Valley, the second (yes, second) boss of Dark Souls III, remains my lifelong nemesis. I just couldn’t get past it. I’m someone who always likes to be making forward, tangible progress when I play games, and banging my head against the same boss for hours on end is my idea of actual hell.

I’m no better at playing Elden Ring, to be honest. I spent a good couple of hours last night just trying to get past one of those big tentacle-beard monkey lads with the hollowed out stomachs on the way up to Stormveil Castle. Not even a named, actual sub-boss! And yet, I’m actually enjoying this version of Souls-style head-bashing a lot more than I’ve ever done before. And I think it’s to do with Elden Ring’s plentiful supply of save points.

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