Election campaigns.. How to choose the most suitable candidate? (Video)

Dr. Murad Ali, media advisor and strategic management expert, spoke about a factor considered essential to the success of electoral campaigns, and they are volunteers, stressing that the chances of success of electoral campaigns without them would be weak.

About this story

Dr. Murad Ali, media advisor and strategic management expert, continued his talk in a series Election campaign management circles.

Dr. Murad revealed Ali , media advisor and strategic management expert, on how to manage electoral campaigns, which he divided into 4 stages:

Dr. Murad Ali, media advisor and strategic management expert, said that there are There are many factors to convince the voter of the importance of voting for a particular candidate.

Dr. Murad Ali, the media advisor and strategic management expert, said that the real goal of the electoral campaigns is for the candidate to obtain the seat and to convince the voter of the importance of voting for the candidate.

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