Emperia creates virtual reality Dom Perignon and Lady Gaga pop-up in Harrods

Virtual reality company Emperia has developed a pop-up in Harrods for an exclusive Lady Gaga and Dom Pérignon collaboration

The virtual space is intended as an extension of a physical pop-up in-store, which is selling limited edition shoppable sculptures and vintage bottles.

The products include an uberpiece to be auctioned by Harrods, the only one available in the UK. The sculpture was designed by Lady Gaga with long-time collaborator Nicola Formichetti, and encases a bottle of Dom Pérignon Rosé Vintage 2005. Its sale will raise funds for the Born This Way Foundation.

Accompanying this, limited edition bottles of Dom Pérignon, 2006 Rosé and Vintage 2010, will also be on sale in the virtual space and physical space.

This is Emperia’s second time working with Harrods, previously having worked with Burberry to create a virtual mash-up of the Harrods’ flagship store and the fashion house’s retail space.

The company has also worked with the World Health Organisation, football club Inter Milan, and rave fashion brand Cyberdog.

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