Enter the vault, look inside the ATM and leave with a ladybug

In the summer, the Bankarium – Museum of Banking of Slovenia opened its doors. He will be delighted by those whose curiosity draws them to the recently operating vault and who would like to look inside the ATM, as well as those who would like to delve into the 200-year history of banking in Slovenia. However, everyone can go home at the end with the legendary ladybug, which arouses quite a bit of nostalgia.

) In Bankarium there are many selected items on display that will impress you, and many even taken to childhood. Old and modern savings banks are on display, and you can also step into the background of three bank counters. The first is from the Art Nouveau period, as it is a replica of the bank counter, which stood in the City Savings Bank of Ljubljana since 1905, when this banking institution was opened, and was in use until 1938. In addition, you can see in detail the windows from socialism and modernity and continue with the multimedia presentation of the digital transformation of banking.

Vhod v Muzej bančništva Slovenije

) It is possible to enter the vault and view the safes

For Visitors are certainly interested in looking inside the ATM and getting to know its operation, as we deal with these devices almost every day, and few people know how the processes in them take place. In addition, in the Bankarium it is possible to enter the vault, which was still operating three years ago, and take a closer look at the safes and the values ​​they hold in them. Part of the visit is also a financial maze, a real treasure trove of banking knowledge, in which you will learn how to best manage your money.

Museum shop: from coins to the legendary ladybug

Like any real museum, it also has Bankarium its museum shop, which offers a variety of products related to money and the bank. Savings banks, board games, wallets and money boxes and other Slovenian products related to money are also for sale. Most of them were made by Slovenian entrepreneurs at the invitation of the museum as part of the socially responsible project #FrameHelp. It is also possible to buy the legendary ladybug hopper, which takes many of us back to childhood.

Šparovčki čebelice različnih barv v krogu

A treat for historical enthusiasts: a walk through two hundred years of history

The year 1820 is considered to be the beginning of banking in Slovenia, when the first financial institution was established – Kranjska hranilnica, which operated independently for 125 years. In 200 years, we have created other savings banks, credit unions and banks, which are represented in Bankarium . The bicentennial history of banking is also shown by money from different periods and its purchasing power during its validity. In Slovenia, we have exchanged as many as nine currencies since 1820. In addition, the museum also provides an insight into the life and work of six deserving Slovenian bankers.

in the museum found many interesting objects from the history of banking. After many years, the statue Dobrodelnost, made by the sculptor Elza Kastl Obereigner for the Kranjska hranilnica at the age of seventeen, is returning to the city savings bank, and after the Second World War it was transferred to the City Savings Bank of Ljubljana. The oldest object from the NLB Museum Collection, which is on display in the museum, is the badge of the Ljubljana (Carniola) Savings Bank, which was created between 1820 and 1845 and which was most probably used by gentlemen on walking sticks.

You are invited every day from Tuesday to Sunday between 10 am and 6 pm to Čopova 3 in Ljubljana.

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