Evander Kane Reportedly Under NHL Investigation For Fake COVID-19 Vaccine Card

Report: Evander Kane Accused Of Fake COVID Vaxx Card … NHL Investigating

10/6/2021 4:37 PM PT

More troubling allegations for Evander Kane — the NHL star is now being accused of using a fake COVID-19 vaccination card … which is not only against league rules, it’s also illegal.

The NHL is currently investigating whether Kane — the 2009 4th overall pick — submitted a bogus vaxx card to league officials, according to the AP and Front Office Sports.

FYI — the league implemented strict guidelines for unvaccinated players during the 2021-22 season … forcing those who haven’t got the jab to stay at the team hotel, practice facilities or arena on road trips.

On top of that, unvaxxed pros will not be allowed to have guests in their hotel rooms … and teams will be allowed to suspend players who aren’t able to participate in team activities for COVID-19-related reasons.

Worth mentioning … the NHL recently stated the majority of players are already vaccinated.

The new Kane investigation adds to a growing list of allegations made against the San Jose Sharks left winger — as we previously reported, his estranged wife recently accused him of sexually and physically assaulting her … which he’s denied.

Kane’s ex also accused him of betting on his own NHL games, which he’s also denied. The league also investigated those claims, but he was cleared of any wrongdoing.

Kane is currently away from the team as the league investigates the other claims.

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