Even if the 'sex offender's real residence' has been changed, it will be reflected quickly

Promoting the improvement of the accuracy of disclosure of personal information of sex offenders

Even if the sex offender’s personal information is disclosed, the problem of the actual residence and the published residence is expected to be improved am. In order to increase the accuracy of personal information on sex offenders, the government has decided to establish a system in which the public can directly request the correction of incorrect personal information.

The Ministry of Gender Equality and Family announced on the 28th that it had held a ‘working-level council on sexual offenders’ personal information-related organizations’ with the Ministry of Justice and the National Police Agency and prepared an improvement plan to increase the accuracy of sexual offenders’ personal information disclosure information. The three ministries (governments) share the responsibility of registering, disclosing, and notifying sex offenders.
Current sex offender notification There are eight types of personal information disclosed and notified on websites and apps: △Name △Age △Address △Body information (height and weight) △Photo △Sex crime summary △Sex crime history △Whether or not an electronic device is attached. At this working-level meeting, we focused on providing the public with real-world address information so that the published address matches the actual place of residence. In the past, if criminals report falsely without knowing their real address or intentionally evade police inspection, there has been a blind spot in information management where the reported address and real address do not match.
The Ministry of Recreation, which discloses and notifies the personal information registered by the Ministry of Justice, will check the photo information of sex offenders at all times and strengthen communication with related organizations to prevent blind spots in information management. If the Ministry of Justice recognizes the change of residence and reflects the new information, the police and the Ministry of Recreation will be notified. Afterwards, the police will confirm the subject face-to-face and punish the subject who violates the duty to report the change.

Currently, the ‘Act on the Use of Electronic Documents in Criminal Justice Procedures’ is being considered by the National Assembly. If this law is passed, it is expected that the criminal justice information system will be reorganized and the personal information of sex offenders collected by the police will be quickly shared with the system, thereby accelerating communication between related ministries. There is also a channel for the public to directly request correction of incorrect real residence information that the government has not yet grasped. The government plans to create a ‘Request for Correction of Notification Information’ system and operate a system that can request correction of sex offenders’ real residence information if it is incorrectly disclosed or notified. In addition, a pilot project that utilizes a commercial map for the location information service of a sex offender’s residence to increase the accuracy of revealing the location of sex offenders will also begin in November. The residence of the subject of electronic supervision will be managed based on the shared location information even without on-site verification.
As a result of this discussion, it is expected that the actual residence information of sex offenders subject to electronic supervision will be updated quickly and the accuracy will be improved.”

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