Ex-lovers raise controversy in ‘Bigg Boss Ultimate’

The ‘Bigg Boss Ultimate’ reality show that began last weekend is giving a new experience to viewers. Arch rivals of the previous five seasons of ‘Bigg Boss’ are locking horns with each other with Kamal himself taking care of hosting duties.

The hot contestants of ‘Bigg Boss Ultimate’ are Suresh Chakravarthy, Abhinay, Niroop, Vanitha Vijayakumar, Balaji Murugadoss, Julie, Suruthi, Suja Varunee, Anita Sampath, Thamarai, Shariq, Thaadi Balaji, Snehan and Abirami.

Interestingly among these celebrities Niroop and Abhirami Venkatachalam apparently were in a romantic relationship for three years before breaking up due to a misunderstanding. The model himself is seen mulling over his past love affair with Suruthi and he is seen observing that Abhirami seems to be putting on an act including treating him indifferently.

When it was time for nominations surprisingly the ex-lovers threw each others names raising controvery. They have let everyone know that there is no love lost between them and both Niroop and Abhi will be going at each others throats in as the days go on in ‘Bigg Boss Ultimate’.

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