Experts about the Facebook crash: – An unreliable player
For six hours we were without four of the world’s most used social media. Experts believe the error is problematic in several areas.
THE WAR ROOM: A few years ago, Facebook decided to create a so-called “War Room”, where several of the company’s core crews work together in times of crisis.
No matter how stuffed your guests are after dinner, everyone will make room for these Thanksgiving desserts. In fact, we wouldn’t blame folks if they held back during the big meal to save space for a pecan pumpkin spice chocolate chip cookie or a maple-glazed doughnut. Whatever kind of sweets you’re after this year, we’ve…
Kenzo TRIBOUILLARD / AFP / Profimedia (Beta) – Premijer Crne Gore Zdravko Krivokapić obavio je prvi krug razgovora pojedinačno sa svim predstavnicima partija parlamentarne većine o rekonstruciji Vlade, saopšteno je danas iz kabineta premijera. U razgovorima je iskazan visok nivo spremnosti i saglasnosti da se bez uslovljavanja pronađe najbolji model unapređenja rada Vlade i odnosa između…
AMERICUS, Ga. (AP) — Solar company NanoPV will invest $36 million to open a factory assembling solar panels in southwest Georgia, with plans to hire more than 500 employees.NanoPV President and CEO Anna Selvan John said the New Jersey-based company would start production sometime next year in Americus. He said the company hopes to profit…
ΑΠΟΔΡΑΣΕΙΣ → Ορεινή Ναυπακτία. Πανόραμα της Άνω Χώρας 03.10.2021, 16:37 Υποδεχόμαστε το Φθινόπωρο με τσίπουρο και κάστανα!Φθινοπωρινές ανάσες με τις μυρωδιές της βρεγμένης γης και τα φλογερά χρώματα της Φύσης, να απογειώνουν τις αισθήσεις…Είναι σαν να λαχταρούσε η γη τις πρώτες φθινοπωρινές στάλες που έπεσαν σαν «μάνα εξ ουρανού», ξεπλένοντας τις φυλλωσιές των δέντρων, ξεδιψώντας…
Daniel Kaluuya, the Oscar-winning British actor from Get Out and Judas and the Black Messiah, goes behind the camera for the first time with The Kitchen, a gloomy dystopian drama.Closing this year’s London Film Festival, the Netflix-backed film is visually arresting and politically angry, though sadly hampered by a flimsy narrative that near snaps by