Experts about the Facebook crash: – An unreliable player

For six hours we were without four of the world’s most used social media. Experts believe the error is problematic in several areas.

KRIGSROMMET: For noen år siden besluttet Facebook å opprette et såkalt «War Room», der flere av selskapets kjernemannskap jobber sammen i krisetider.
THE WAR ROOM: A few years ago, Facebook decided to create a so-called “War Room”, where several of the company’s core crews work together in times of crisis.

Millions, maybe even billions of people around the world were affected by that Facebook, Messenger, Instagram and WhatsApp was down for counting on Monday night. The downtime was due to changes in the configuration of Facebook’s backbone network, according to the company itself. So far, there is no indication that it was a computer attack that led to the problems, according to a security expert in the technology company Cloudfare. As Facebook is also used to log in to a myriad of other services, the downtime had far-reaching consequences. According to the New York Times people had trouble using everything from smart TVs to thermostats. The fact that Facebook traffic flowed to other places also led to problems for Twitter and Is It Down, among others, writes the Verge. The latter is a service that monitors the status of various websites. Tore Tennøe, director of the Technology Council, believes the error shows a problematic dependence on Facebook on a general basis. – We see very clearly that Facebook is not just “Facebook Blue”. The mothership is connected with both Instagram, WhatsApp and Messenger – these are four of the five largest social media in the world. The fifth is YouTube, says Tennøe. – If one thing goes wrong, then it can go wrong with four of the five largest social media. This shows that competition policy in that area has completely failed. The Technology Council is a public body that, among other things, advises the Storting and the government on new technology. In September, they deleted their own Facebook pages, after an assessment by the Data Inspectorate of privacy consequences .

UPÅLITELIG AKTØR: Direktøren i Teknologirådet, Tore Tennøe, mener Facebook er problematisk på flere måter.
UNRELIABLE ACTOR: The director of the Technology Council, Tore Tennøe, believes that Facebook is problematic in several ways.

Technology Council
The downturn that affected millions of users worldwide came less than a day after the whistleblower Frances Haugen, a former employee of Facebook, appeared in the TV show 60 Minutes. )She has warned federal authorities that Facebook’s own research shows that the company’s practices contribute to cyber hatred, misinformation and political unrest, but that Facebook is withholding the information. – Facebook is an unreliable player. Now they use in many ways the same tactics as the tobacco industry. They see that what they do has unfortunate consequences, but rather choose to ignore it, and try to keep that type of information away from the public because they are concerned about profit, says Tennøe. – They have an incredible amount of data about us, and they control an ever-increasing part of public communication, which is unfortunate. ) VG has tried to counter the criticism from the Norwegian boss in Facebook, Rune Paulseth, who referred us to Facebook’s official press channels. We have not yet succeeded in getting an answer from there. Torgeir Waterhouse, IT expert and partner in the consulting company Otte, explains that Facebook’s servers were unable to communicate with each other about how web traffic should flow, and that it was thus not possible to find the websites. – You can think of it as a set of instructions on how the traffic should move between the various servers, systems and data centers. Imagine a massive queue on the highway, where no one gets to where they are going, he says. You could say that Facebook isolated itself from the rest of the internet, and due to the way Facebook is structured, the error took Instagram, WhatsApp and Facebook with it.

TRAFIKKORK: Torgeir Waterhouse, IT-ekspert og partner i rådgivningsselskapet Otte, forklarer at dette dermed medførte feilinformasjon om hvordan webtrafikken skal flyte.
TRAFFIC CORK: Torgeir Waterhouse, IT expert and partner in the consulting company Otte, explains that this thus led to incorrect information about how web traffic should flow.

Facebook also writes that there is nothing to indicate that user data has been leaked as a result of the downtime. Waterhouse confirms that the risk of downtime leading to any data leaks or other computer crime is very low. – It is unlikely, as these are things that are not connected. This mistake is simply because curls on the road network made it impossible for people to get around, and did not affect safety, he says. The immediate consequence of the downtime, Waterhouse says, is that many people simply did not get what they wanted. – Facebook has a set of services that many companies rely on, and several of these were unavailable over a long period of time. This probably created problems with communication between people at different levels. What kind of consequences this will have for the company in the long run remains to be seen. However, Waterhouse is confident that the situation will be an important issue in the future.

PROBLEMER: Facebook og Facebook-eide Instagram og WhatsApp hadde problemer mandag kveld norsk tid.
PROBLEMS: Facebook and Facebook-owned Instagram and WhatsApp had problems Monday night Norwegian time.


– It will lead to a discussion about how we regulate the network, what measures should be taken, and who should ensure that socially critical services work if something similar happens. Then I do not mean that Facebook is a socially critical service, but some may see that they must establish backup solutions for both internal and external communication if the service they use is down. TRAFIKKORK: Torgeir Waterhouse, IT-ekspert og partner i rådgivningsselskapet Otte, forklarer at dette dermed medførte feilinformasjon om hvordan webtrafikken skal flyte. – Would you say that we are a little too dependent on such services ? – No, but we are extremely well used to things always working. What we need to take into account is what kind of situations may require a backup solution in the future. – As for most people, I think we can state that the vast majority live surprisingly well by not being on Instagram for a few hours. How much the technical problems in combination with the new notification case will have to say for the company’s reputation is complicated to assess, says Waterhouse. – This is part of in many ways this with these services maturation process, and what we use them for. Something we should be aware of is that many have already assumed that something like this would happen. It is a combination of a society that uses these services to a great extent, and that the player himself makes many adjustments and updates along the way, he says. However, he says that being such a worldwide player as Facebook will always present challenges. – There is no doubt that companies with such a large position as what Facebook has will always have challenges. I think we will see more of these in the future.
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