Extenist Kližan kicked at Navrátilová. He attacked her orientation and the fact that she knew nothing about reproduction

The ongoing case of tennis player Novak Djokovic in connection with his ups and downs before the upcoming Australian Open (AO) has provoked a wave of differing views. While some support the Serb and want him to play in Australia, the other does not agree to grant an exemption.

The 20-time Grand Slam champion is one of the few who has not been vaccinated against COVID-19, which has been criticized by several celebrities.

These include the legendary Martina Navrátilová. The American of Czech origin stated that this “saga” did not have to go that far. “Everything could have been avoided if Novak had been vaccinated. I admire him very much, especially his mental strength in matches, but I cannot defend his decision not to be vaccinated. In today’s world, I think we need to make a personal sacrifice and think of others as well, ”said the three-time Australian Open champion.

Martina Navrátilová.

Martina Navratilova Photo: TASR / AP

Her words did not meet with the understanding of the former Slovak representative Martin Kližan. The tennis player on his profile on the social network Instagram attacked the homosexual orientation of Navrátilová. She openly admits to her, in 2014 she married the former Miss of the Soviet Union Julia Leming in New York.

“I’m just reading how the most famous lesbian sport makes sense of what Novak should and shouldn’t do. Djokovic in terms of vaccination – that is, with his own body. I do not know if Mrs. Navrátilová is aware of how the most important process in the world works, namely the process of reproduction of the human race, but if she happens to read this status, then, Mrs. Navrátilová, neither a woman and a woman can conceive a newborn, “he wrote. former 24th player in the world Kližan.

Príspevok Martina Kližana, ktorý následne odstránil.

Post by Martin Kližan, who subsequently removed it Photo: reprofoto: Instagram / klizan_martin

Kližan also responded to the fact that that Navrátilová emigrated to the USA during the communist regime. “I would also like to remind you that it was YOU who left the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic and renounced your citizenship only because you wanted to live your ‘AMERICAN DREAM’ and not be subject to a certain regime of orders and prohibitions at that time. That is why YOU are the last person from whom this world would expect a statement on the topic of being compulsorily vaccinated, “concluded Kližan.

Homophobic claims

Many consider this contribution to be disproportionate, even outrageous. Martin Macko from the Iniciatíva Inakosť association considers Kližan’s contribution to be stupid.

“Homophobia is also manifested in the fact that we do not judge a person on the basis of his individual characteristics, but on the contrary , we attribute negative qualities to him only on the grounds that he is one of the LGBTI people. It seems that in Mr Kližan’s world of thought, lesbians as a group do not control human biology, so they cannot recommend vaccinations, “he said.

Kližan’s contribution is also negatively assessed by the Public Defender of Human Rights Mária Patakyová. “Claims that are disrespectful or degrading to LGBTI people are homophobic and contribute to increasing tensions in society and negative attitudes towards groups of people whose rights are already threatened,” the Ombudsman’s Office told our website.

One of the most talented and popular Slovak tennis players, Martin Kližan, ended his active career only last year. According to information of the portal Plus one day decided in the autumn to cooperate with the currently strongest political party Hlas-SD.

“My girlfriend is in the party’s working group and I have been interested in it for a long time,” Kližan told the quoted source. He admitted that his biggest motive for this move was that “in the last 10 years, the sport has gone down very much in our country.”

Recently, Kližan has published several articles on his instagram profile with representatives of this party, which he also referred to in the posts.

With the party’s Vice-President Zuzana Dolinková

With Voice Member Michal Bartek

So we asked the party itself whether Martin Kližan is part of Hlas. Pellegrini’s party spokeswoman Patrícia Medveď Macíková declined to comment. Shortly after our question, Kližan’s controversial Instagram post disappeared. “We cannot comment on everything that goes around people who pretend to have something in common with the Hlas-SD party,” she told tvnoviny.sk.

With the President Peter Pellegrini

The former tennis player himself told us that he is not a member of the Hlas-SD party. He no longer answered additional questions about whether he cooperates with the party and why he deleted the social network contribution.

“It is sad that in those 15 years, as I have modeled Slovak tennis at the top of the world, whether in the Davis Cup or outside it, you have contacted me only to be in this matter, “Kližan responded.

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