Facebook: data from 1.5 billion users could be for sale on the Dark Web

Tech 28 Set Facebook rebate críticas e afirma que o Instagram não é tóxico para adolescentesFacebook rebate críticas e afirma que o Instagram não é tóxico para adolescentes Economy and market 27 Set Facebook rebate críticas e afirma que o Instagram não é tóxico para adolescentesAccording to the specialized company security, the data has been on sale since September, where a batch with data from 1 million users would be sold for US$ 5 thousand (almost R$ 27 thousand). Dark Web sellers also claim that they have a database of 1.5 billion users. For comparison purposes, Facebook currently has 2.9 billion active accounts. It is interesting to mention that the data was not obtained through a hacker attack, but via scraping, which is a method that obtains information left in public by users when using bots programmed for this.

According to the hackers, the data that is included in the batches contains the following information:


Another possible problem faced by Facebook could also be your domain, which as you can see above, has been reported as for sale on several hosting sites like GoDaddy and DomainTools. Reports about these occurrences suggest on several websites and social networks, such as Twitter, which was one of the few to remain active this afternoon.

Speaking on Twitter, Jack Dorsey, CEO of the competing social network Facebook, took the opportunity to play with the situation in a post saying “How much is it?” .

Despite everything, GoDaddy claims that the case was the result of an internal error and the Facebook.com domain is not available sale. The ad was made by a user who does not own Facebook, so the network address would not be sold in any way. Facebook has not yet commented on the occurrence. Facebook rebate críticas e afirma que o Instagram não é tóxico para adolescentes

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