Far Cry 6 could have spared us its cruelty to animals

Companions sent to the front line, war horses, cockfights, authorized hunts … Animals are particularly badly treated in Far Cry 6. You clearly don’t need such cruelty to have fun in a video game.

I still remember that first stroll in Far Cry 6 . I climb on the first cross horse to take a path nestled in tropical settings – without going through a motorized vehicle. And then there is the drama: a tractor rushes over me without braking for a single second. Luckily, I came out unscathed. Alas, my mount cannot say the same: this small sequence which was supposed to be peaceful turned into a tragedy for her. Ruthless.

There are many animals in Far Cry 6

, which was inspired by Cuba to imagine environments more focused on nature . Birds, crocodiles, roosters, felines, fish, rodents… All this fauna comes to populate a map in which we meet fewer humans. If it is a big plus, both in terms of authenticity and immersion, the experience imagined by Ubisoft is a little too cruel with our friends the animals. Especially since the developers have imagined additional tasks that reinforce this observation, without bringing a real plus to the gameplay.

This crocodile hadn’t asked anyone … // Source: PS5 capture
If you like animals a lot, Far Cry 6 will make your hair stand out

War horses

During your wanderings, you will often come across soldiers on horses, going about their business which is to maintain order on the island. Problem ? These horses can quickly become collateral victims in a firefight – which happens very often when you have to lead a revolution, in order to overthrow a dictator.

Your faithful companion, called Amigo

In Far Cry 6

, you can be accompanied by an animal. We can pet him, of course, but above all we will have the opportunity to send him to the front line to distract or kill the guards. The point is that we have more the impression of sending this Amigo at the slaughterhouse, so much time is spent reviving it. To make matters worse, Ubisoft is trying to make this element more fun by introducing atypical animals, the crocodile

thug sporting a gold fang (and which becomes stronger … by dying) to the touching dachshund devoid of hind legs (replaced by wheels).

Guapo, the thug crocodile // Source: Capture PS5

Quests that require to kill animals

When ‘a quest, I had to run after a weasel before murdering it (because it had swallowed a key essential to carry out my mission). Another turned into a mini crocodile genocide, again because an animal had eaten something it shouldn’t. This display of violence, if it is consistent with the universe of Far Cry 6 , could further spare the local fauna – who did not ask for anything.

Hunting (fortunately not compulsory)

Hunting is one of the side activities offered by the Far Cry saga. It generally allows you to recover interesting resources to make your life easier. The sixth opus is no exception to the rule, but fortunately, makes it much more optional (meat still gives access to elements for its weapons). In short, we will avoid going to annoy crocodiles, coyotes and other fish.

Far Cry 6 // Source: Capture PS5 Cockfights, or the ultimate

We will end this overview with what Far Cry 6 has the worst to offer: cockfighting. And it’s about participating in the fighting, not just watching it. More concretely, we can literally embody a rooster – after having captured it – in a spat with another. Ubisoft has pushed the concept to disguise this side activity in a fighting game, reminiscent of Street Fighter or Tekken in more simplicity (with rounds, different types of blows, special attacks…). Luckily, these free sequences – which allow you to win a few pesos – spare us the blood that spurts and the death of the loser.

We let you judge in video

Why the cockfighting? Ubisoft will undoubtedly justify them by a desire for authenticity, with regard to the country from which the developers were inspired to design Far Cry 6

. Thus, in Cuba, cockfights are unfortunately part of the culture , so much so that they are still excluded from the welfare law animal – recalled Geo

in April 2021. Obviously, Ubisoft prefers to assume cruelty to animals than the political prism … If we can understand this search for faithful reproduction, nothing obliges us to accept all the faults of our source of inspiration.

Who’s who

The continuation in video

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