Farina shows a little more of her life in her new vlog series

Farina premiered this January 11 the first chapter of some vlogs that she will be making on her YouTube channel. This format is no stranger to the platform, since many youtubers make daily videos to tell their fans everything they do that day.

See also: Successes, recognitions and awards: This is what the stars of Farina 2022 say

In this first video, Farina wanted to start these videos with a very special occasion, since she recorded during the Latin Grammy week. The Colombian showed behind the scenes how excited she was to attend this event with her first nomination.

The singer showed everything she did in Las Vegas, first she shared a few moments of some photo sessions, which she took the opportunity to do in a desert . Farina said that there is a great process behind all the images she publishes on her social networks and there are also many people helping.

In addition, she shared moments in the interviews they did for his nomination with ‘A Fuego’. Finally, she showed when she got dressed for the night and how much she loved her outfit. The video ends when the singer is about to get into the van to attend the awards.

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