Favorable outlook is estimated for the agricultural cycle in the central area of ​​Sinaloa

Sinaloa.- Good expectations for the autumn-winter agricultural season is estimated for the central area of ​​ Sinaloa given the percentage of water that is currently in the three dams that supply the irrigation areas, said José Enrique Rodarte Espinosa de los Monteros, president of the Association of Farmers of the Culiacán River (AARC) .

He explained that at this time the Sanalona, ​​Adolfo López Mateos and José López Portillo dams, which are those found in the central area of ​​the entity, total a percentage of water greater than 50 percent of its total storage capacity, a figure that is very encouraging compared to the figures that were had a few months ago, which was approximately 6 percent in total.

He recalled that one of the most important problems foreseen for the agricultural cycle about to begin was the uncertainty of the water supply to produce the land, a situation that Thanks to a good rainy season, it was able to improve a little, however, there is still a lack of water.

“We are starting up and hopefully the water that is falling is enough We would always like a little more but we are close to 50 percent of the installed capacity in the three dams here in the center of the state, I think the rainy season was not bad and we hope that water will continue to enter, “the president reiterated of the AARC.

This is due to the possibility that in the month of October there will continue to be temporary rains in the mountains and that water will continue to be collected in the Sinaloa dams, which would end with one of the problems that could arise during the autumn-winter cycle.

Read more: Water shortage complicates the definition of the planting plan in the Évora region in Salvador Alvarado

“Now with this, we could have a season with one less problem we could say, always so There are several things that arise because if we remove the water from the water, we will eliminate details, less problem and we have more possibilities to focus on producing the land, “said Rodarte Espinosa de los Monteros.

Anaya accuses that Lozoya has the Odebrecht money and AMLO allows him to keep it

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