FDA Shortens Period for Moderna Booster to 5 Months

The FDA on Friday shortened the period Moderna recipients need to wait for their booster shot from six months to five, aligning with the timeline for Pfizer’s vaccine. 

As reported by The Hill, officials cited the high transmissibility of the omicron variant as the reason behind the update. 

“Vaccination is our best defense against COVID-19, including the circulating variants, and shortening the length of time between completion of a primary series and a booster dose may help reduce waning immunity,” Peter Marks, director of the FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, said. 

The move comes days after the CDC recommended that Pfizer recipients get their booster shot at least five months after their primary series, as previously reported by Human Events News. 

For Johnson & Johnson recipients, boosters are recommended two months after initial inoculation. 

The Moderna vaccine is currently only authorized for adults.

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