Fico points to Plačková, he was close to the drug smuggler Vadal

Fico also defended Harabin for his phone call with Sadiki

8. Oct 2021 at 18:56 Ján Krempaský ​​

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Robert Fico. Robert Fico. (Source: SITA)

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BRATISLAVA. Former Triple Prime Minister

Robert Fico from Smer points to the accused influenza Zuzana Plačková , which she allegedly supplies to some members of the government Eduard Heger of OĽaNO drugs. He himself had ties to the convicted Italian drug smuggler Antonin Vadal of the Calabrian mafia ranndrangheta.

Bývalý poslanec Smeru Robert Madej a Antonino Vadala. Former MP of the Direction Robert Madej and Antonino Vadala. (source: Source: ARCHIVE – TREND)

Fico spoke out against Plačková and the coalition because the prosecutor withdrew the complaint against the fact that the court did not take her into custody.

“The direction points to the fact that the Prosecutor of the Special Prosecutor’s Office withdrew the complaint two days before the decision of the Supreme Court,” the party’s spokesman replied. to the question of SME for Fica, whether he does not consider it hypocritical to point out Plačková, when he himself had ties to the drug barefoot.

crime and the establishment of a criminal group.

Related article Related article Fico joined Plačková prep establishment with Lipsic and the government with cocaine Read

Alleged cocaine supplier to government

“To whom did Plačková supply cocaine from the government when she negotiated her freedom,” Fico asked a rhetorical question at a press conference on Wednesday

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