Fidesz MP Simon Miklós preached at a hunting fair that the hunters were sent by God to create biodiversity

The video below shows the speech of Fidesz MP Miklós Simon, President of the Hoportyó Hunting Association in Nyírbogát, before a hunting fair on 18 September, discussing the hunters’ mission from God to do their thing and create the biodiversity. During his speech, Simon also promoted the current World Hunting Exhibition at this 10/10 church-certified marketing event in front of the Máriapócs Church.

Simon literally put it this way:

“It is our mission from God, for people to manage, with responsibility, with nature and part of it, my opinion according to is that hunters do their thing when they see this in the big public when they don’t see it. And and as a result, the biodiversity of the living world, that is, its diversity, delights us. “

If you didn’t know, Hoportyó is not a fairytale hero, but the highest point of the Great Plain and the Trans-Tisza region with its 183 meters. Even though it is so high, it does not offer a breathtaking panorama towards the nearby Nyírbogát, as it is covered with forest. A forest full of God’s armed messengers.

The video was posted on Facebook by MP Ákos Hadházy:

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