FIRST OPINION: resident responds to mayor's request and denounces wire thief; who did not answer was the PM

Photo: Reproduction

Last year, the City had a loss of over 600 thousand reais, just with the theft of wires, which cut the energy supply, left thousands of people and several areas of the Capital in the dark and, obviously, everything had to be recomposed, with an unexpected expense, including taking money from other areas to replace wires and equipment necessary for public lighting.

Days ago, after a fever of vagrants’ actions, acting in various places in the city, all without being disturbed and acting free, light and loose, Mayor Hildon Chaves went to the media and social networks, crying out for help from citizens, so that they denounce the thieves ; for them to be arrested; that the receivers are reached and that this type of crime, which affects the whole community, ends once and for all.

Since the resident Deany Ximenes, resident on Carlos Gomes Street, he heard the Mayor’s cry, became vigilant and caught one of these thieves very close to his house, without any fear of being caught, pulling out power, telephone and internet wires. It was Saturday night. While the criminal acted calmly, as if he were performing a common service, the resident was desperately calling the Military Police, asking that a vehicle and police officers be sent to the scene, arrest the criminal in the act and prevent the residents of the area from staying no street lighting and no internet. It was a futile, frustrating attempt that irritated the resident to the point that she reported the case on social media.

On the first call request for the PM to appear, Deany heard the explanation that there was no vehicle available. In the second, the excuse was different. So, successively, all the attempts to see the police acting and arresting the thief, which could even lead her to fences, who, surprisingly, are never arrested, the resident felt abandoned and making a fool of herself, for having complied with the request to report it to the authorities, when the theft of wires could be caught. Now, if there is no priority in combating this type of crime, the tendency is that it will increase, expand and that the population will continue, in various regions of the city and, sometimes, for several days, living in total darkness, close to their homes. In recent days, in fact, a place where many people gather, in Porto Velho, has become the main target of thieves, without even one of them having been arrested. No matter how many times the City Hall replaces the wires and stolen light bulbs, a day or two later, part of Espaço Alternativo is back in the dark. Now, wouldn’t a sequence of crimes in the same place deserve a police surveillance action, at least, to catch these criminals, take them to jail and find out to whom they sell what they steal? In short, if they want the support of citizens, the authorities must at least demonstrate that they are acting and responding to the community. Otherwise, it’s just wasted time and frustration for the population.


It’s not an invention, unfortunately. It is the purest and saddest reality. Last year, at least eleven people died in the state, victims of violent electric shocks. Unaware, unprepared and, certainly, without having had the correct orientation, all these victims touched the power grid improperly and ended up perishing. Some of them touched directly on the exposed wires; others did so with sticks or other energy-conducting objects, which ended up killing them. It is because of this enormous danger that Energisa, the company responsible for the distribution of energy in the State, is alerting the entire population to the enormous danger that approaching the grids, without all care, represents. Several guidelines are being given by specialist technicians, who work at Energisa, with the aim of guiding, providing security and saving lives. There is a series of information that few know, such as the fact that materials such as gold, copper, aluminum, graphite and even wood, when wet, have a high degree of energy conductivity, causing great risk to those who use them close to an electrical network. . To get much more information on this topic, which is so important for everyone, just visit the “Energia Expo” project, with guidelines for the safe use of electricity. The free event is open until January 30th at Porto Velho Shopping, in the Capital.


There are evils that come for good! The saying, using a little humor, fits well to correct a blunder committed here in this space, but which, in the end, can turn into something positive. Understand the story: the professor, lawyer and municipal secretary of agriculture in Porto Velho, Vinicius Miguel, was appointed, in this space, as a possible candidate for the government of Rondônia. So far, no objections. It was wrong to place him as the regional president of a party that is not his. Vinicius is the leader of the Cidadania party, number 23 among party associations and not Solidarity, as disclosed here. The mistake was twofold, because Solidarity (number 77) has the regional command of another important name in our politics, the former deputy and former governor Daniel Pereira, this year a great candidate for the Federal Senate. In other words, Vinicius was placed in a party that is not his and Daniel’s command was taken away, by force, from another. With proper apologies, the truth is being restored. Well, then what is the positive factor in the context of such an important error? Always elegant and assiduous reader of these poorly designed, Daniel Pereira not only understood that it was just a misunderstanding, but also took advantage of the event to invite Vinicius Miguel: “if he wants to be a candidate for the Government of Rondônia through Solidarity, the invitation is done!”. Will Vinicius agree?


There is no doubt that the construction of Heuro, our emergency hospital and emergency, is a priority issue, even for the more than 30 years that the people of Rondônia and Porto Velho, in particular, have been waiting for the work that will finally become a reality. The contract was signed this week and the works, if there is no further interference, will begin in May and will last two years, with the first module to be delivered to the State at the end of this 2022. for the support of the City Hall of the Capital. And if it depends on Mayor Hildon Chaves, this support will be complete and fast. At a meeting with representatives of the consortium that will build the hospital; with the State Health Secretary, Fernando Máximo and with the State Attorney, Maxwel de Andrade, the Mayor of the Capital announced that he has determined total priority for the authorizations that the municipality needs to grant so that the work can begin. The bureaucracy, it seems that created to hinder and not to help, can indeed hinder even something as vital for the collectivity as the new Heuro. But the secretariats, according to Chaves, will give the greatest agility to release authorizations such as Land Regularization, Housing and Urbanism, Environment and Sustainable Development and Traffic, Mobility and Transport, necessary for things to move forward. This is the country we live in, swallowed up by the infernal bureaucracy that all citizens have to face in order to carry out a work. Fortunately, in the case of Heuro, everything will go much faster.


Still about Heuro, celebrated (quite rightly) on social media, in videos and texts by Governor Marcos Rocha, two more pieces of information, both important. The first comes from federal deputy Coronel Chrisóstomo, who despite being a political opponent of Palácio Rio Madeira/CPA, was quick on the trigger to make his support for the enterprise clear during his term. The day after the contract signing ceremony, Chrisóstomo announced that he had requested an audience with the Minister of Infrastructure, Tarcísio de Freiras, to ask for the immediate construction of a viaduct over the BR 364, at the height of Cemetron, to give easy access to the area, on this side of the highway, connecting the south zone with Avenida Mamoré, where the Heuro will be built. On the part of the government, Marcos Rocha announced a campaign to listen to the population, who will choose the name to be given to the new hospital. In one of the most watched radio programs in the state, Papo de Redação, with the Radio and TV Dinosaurs, a name has already been suggested: that of the late federal deputy Sérgio Carvalho. This blog subscribes below.


This Blog has confirmed, with three different sources, that soon both Mayor Hildon Chaves and former senator Expedito Júnior must sign with the PSD. The party’s national president, Gilberto Kassab, would come to Porto Velho to pay both cards. The matter, however, has not yet been defined, according to Expedito Júnior. He does not deny that there are indeed conversations, but that the matter is still within the realm of possibilities. Important politicians in the State confirm that they have already received invitations to participate in the event, which would be scheduled for February 11, but the former senator, who will again run for a Senate seat, for our State, says that it is still too early to announce as definite question. Mayor Hildon Chaves did not comment on the matter. What is heard is that there are pressures and interests at stake, which would be trying to keep the two political leaders on their side, but what is heard behind the scenes is that both the Mayor of Porto Velho and the good voter Expedito Júnior would be closed with the project involving the PSD, chaired in the state by the former senator’s son, the young federal deputy Expedito Netto. In the future, it will be known, with greater certainty, if the case is really defined or if, as can happen in politics, the clouds will change places. Let’s hope so!


Declared enemy of the STF ministers, who have already sent him to jail for twice (in one of them he reported that he was being tortured), journalist Oswaldo Eustáquio has made a succession of denunciations against decisions by members of the court and against opponents of President Jair Bolsonaro, with whom he is allied. This Monday and, again, on Tuesday, he did Live, on social networks, now involving another important figure in the group of politicians who have most attacked the government: none other than the ex-Psol senator and today in the Rede Sustentabilidade party, Randolfe Rodrigues. With the transcription of several audios as evidence, Eustáquio says that, between 2017 and 2018, when he was dating prosecutor Monique Checker, Randolfe exchanged confidential information about the Lava Jato operation, of which his then girlfriend was part; mocked political opponents of her then-boyfriend and, still, especially, both attacked the then federal deputy Jair Bolsonaro, today President of the Republic. The prosecutor, in one of the recordings, when talking to the famous member of the Lava Jato prosecutors team, Deltan Dallagnol, confessed that she provided “legal advice” to Senator Randolfe, which, according to the allegations, is absolutely illegal. The case, also as disclosed by Oswaldo Eustáquio, is being investigated by the Federal Police, to whom he handed over the documents, which he calls evidence, about the serious and complex case.


Attentive reader of this Blog asks: is federal deputy Léo Moraes really going to run for state government? It is, in fact, a common question, especially among the allies and voters of the young and competent parliamentarian. Leo is still defining his projects for this year’s election. His plan A is, yes, to run for Marcos Ro’s chair tea. He has even been a firm opponent of Palácio Rio Madeira/CPA. It has a lot of votes in the Capital, which could mean an important start, in a dispute as complex as the one that will begin on October 3 this year. But, at the same time, Léo still has obstacles to overcome in the interior, although leading a ticket with a hot name in politics outside Porto Velho, he could alleviate this issue. There are still some difficulties, such as forming a strong political group to support it. And, in this same package of difficulties, he will be on the side of Sérgio Moro’s candidacy for the presidency. Moro emerged as a very hot name as a third way, but, at least until now, it has not had support from the streets. If he does not run for government, Plan B is to run for the Senate, in the only seat Rondônia will be entitled to. Reelection is not part of the parliamentary projects, which, incidentally, has stood out for the good work done in the Chamber of Deputies. Leo’s political paths are open and he has enough votes to make the best choice. But it certainly won’t decide before the end of next March. Until then, there will be many conversations, search for partnerships and hard political work, to try to make their plans viable.


Are you scared by the galloping numbers of people infected with the virus Ômicron or do you believe the information that states that the new strain is much less aggressive, even if more contagious?

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