For the price of a sandwich and coffee, you have a T-shirt and buy as much as possible. However, the trend has changed, the new one is not to buy

Once upon a time, it was obvious to fix things – the shoes were tripped, the coat was sewn, the pants were secured with patches. It was commonly inherited and some pieces from generation to generation.

With the advent of multinational clothing giants, we however, they used to buy rather – and throw them away. The reason is the low quality of materials and also the price. Who would bother with arranging a repair, when the price often exceeds the value of the goods?

– as well as the fact that the prices of clothing in chains are at all times comparable to the prices of food

For the price of a sandwich and coffee, a T-shirt can usually be purchased today. In the world of fast fashion, quality is neglected, the aim is to sell as many goods as possible,

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