Former President of the Assembly of RR is arrested on charges of kidnapping journalist

The state deputy of Roraima Jalser Renier (Solidarity), who was president of the state Legislative Assembly until January this year, was arrested this Friday (1st) on the accusation of being the mastermind of the kidnapping of the journalist from TV Imperial, affiliate of Record TV, Romano dos Anjos, host of the program Mete Bronca, in October 2020.

According to the order issued by the judge summoned Graciete Sotto Mayor Ribeiro, from the Court of Justice of Roraima , Jalser would have been the mastermind of the crime. He is also accused of criminal association and torture. In order for the state deputy to remain in prison, as determined by the court, a vote in plenary, with the participation of all members of the Legislative Assembly, will have to decide in this regard, since he has parliamentary immunity.

After an intense police movement in Jalser’s political office this afternoon, in Boa Vista, which involved elite units of the PM and the Civil Police, the accused was finally arrested, after reacting to the shouts to the action, which was recorded on video by agents and other witnesses who were on the scene at the time of the operation named Pulitzer II, in reference to the most famous journalistic award in the world.

Remember the case

The journalist Romano dos Anjos was taken from his residence, while having dinner with his wife, on the night of October 26 of last year. Three armed men placed the victim in the family vehicle and took an unknown route. The car was found hours later on fire, on a state highway, but with no body inside. Romano was beaten, tortured and had both arms broken, being left in a forest area gagged and blindfolded by criminals. He managed to untie himself the next morning and ask for help.

In addition to the former president of the Legislative Assembly, another seven people were arrested by court order, six of them military police, including a colonel, a major and two warrant officers, in addition to a former servant of the state parliament, who allegedly participated in the kidnapping and torture inflicted on the journalist.

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