Four major real estate developers holding 100 million square feet of agricultural land concentrated in Yuen Long North District expected to benefit

Based on the annual reports of major developers, the developer with the most agricultural land reserves in Hong Kong is Henderson Land. As of the end of June this year, the group held 4460 in the New Territories Ten thousand square feet of farmland, Xindi holds about 31 million square feet. Among the agricultural land held by developers in the New Territories, Yuen Long and the North District account for a high proportion. Among the approximately 16.46 million square feet of agricultural land held by the New World, approximately 11.38 million square feet are located in Yuen Long and 2.18 million square feet are located in the North District. ; Cheung Kong holds approximately 12.79 million square feet of agricultural land, and approximately 11.91 million square feet is located in Yuen Long or North District.

Infrastructure supporting facilities will benefit the development of land rezoning

Infrastructure supporting facilities in the future will also benefit developers in recent years Rezoning land development, such as the land at Dong Chengli, Nan Sang Wai, Yuen Long, has been approved as early as 2014 for the construction of 65 3-storey houses with an average area of ​​more than 2,000 square feet. The development plan has been revised several times afterwards, and the application will be applied in 2019. It was converted into 1955 small and medium-sized units. The project was finally approved by the Town Planning Board in February this year to build 8 8 to 21-storey residential buildings, providing 1,518 units of residential buildings with an average area of ​​about 499 square feet, which is the number of units. A 22-fold increase.

Liang Zhijian: Short-term land shortage is imperative for reclamation

In addition, the market is also looking forward to governance The report announced a series of new land measures that are favorable for short-term sale of new properties in the region. At present, at least 4 projects located in Yuen Long or North New Territories are waiting for pre-sale approval and are expected to be launched in the short term, involving a total of 2362 The largest scale is Phase 1B of The YOHO Hub at SHKP Yuen Long Station, Phase 2 of Wetland Seasons Bay in Tin Shui Wai, Hengdi Fanling Ma Sik Road Project and Cheung Shui Hung Shui Bridge #LYOS.

The chairman of Wheelock Properties, who is also the chairman of the executive committee of the Hong Kong Real Estate Developers Association, said that the above are all long-term supplies. The land supply is still insufficient, and the land supply problem will not be resolved until at least the medium term, and reclamation is imperative.

(2021 policy address)

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