At least 20 people died in earthquakes

Around 20 people lost their lives in an earthquake in southern Pakistan, according to the country’s authorities. The quake, which measured 5.7, occurred Thursday morning. According to the country’s earthquake station, it was about 14 kilometers away from the city of Harnai in the Baluchistan province.

– We have received information that 20 people have died as following the earthquake. Rescue work is underway, the province’s interior minister Mir Zia ullah Langau told AFP.

Many died when roofs and walls collapsed, according to a local official. A woman and six children are among the dead.

Harnai, which is located in a mountainous area, is hardest hit. Lack of paved roads, electricity and cell phone coverage make rescue work difficult.

at about 20 kilometers. The quake was felt in the city of Quetta and other areas of the province.

Pakistan is located where the Indian and Eurasian tectonic plates meet, which makes the country vulnerable. for earthquake.

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