Four people on the same stage in Wangyuelou are quarantined, two leave early and two stay

[Ming Pao News] Citizen Miss Liang and her group of 4 people went to Mochizuki Tower in Festival Walk for dinner on the 27th of last month. On the 31st of the same month, due to the outbreak of the Mochizuki Tower, the 4 people were sent to Penny’s Bay for quarantine. The quarantine period will expire tomorrow. Two of the friends had received two injections, had sufficient antibodies in the body, and had negative nasopharyngeal samples, and were allowed to leave the quarantine center early. Leung and another friend were still in the camp until yesterday. She said that the DH hotline indicated that she could also leave early. But it has not been arranged for a long time, and I do not understand what the government’s guidelines are.

Can apply for early departure, someone has received notification, someone has no

Quarantine is not approved Understand the rules

Miss Liang told this newspaper that two friends received a call from the Department of Health on the 8th of this month, saying that people who have received two doses of vaccine, have sufficient antibodies in their bodies, and have negative nasopharyngeal samples can apply to leave Penny’s Bay early. Leung, who had received two doses of Fubitai, learned of the information and made enquiries to the quarantine center’s hotline before receiving a phone call to inform him of the arrangement, and he immediately submitted the needle card and application. She said that the two friends had been arranged for blood draws and “nose-lifting” samples, and left the camp on January 10 and 12. Liang and one of the remaining friends were only arranged to “lift their noses” yesterday. By 11:30 last night, the remaining friends were also notified to leave. The quarantine period expires tomorrow, and Liang said that she no longer hopes to leave early, but criticized the Department of Health’s hotline for telling her that she could leave early, but not taking action for a long time. She also didn’t understand why the four of them entered Penny’s Bay on the same day, and in the end they both left early. She also said that the two friends were given a form when they left, reminding them to undergo self-monitoring and compulsory inspection during the rest of the quarantine period, without specifying whether they could go out. Liang said that a friend asked the staff whether they needed to be quarantined at home. The other party replied, “I’m just in charge of letting you go”, and reminded the two of them to be tested on the 19th, and the rest of the things were “completely unguided.” She criticized the chaotic arrangement and rigid system of the quarantine center. The hotline has been unable to get through for a long time. It took 31 calls the day before yesterday to be answered. “People who are quarantined are facing extreme helplessness and helplessness.” She hopes to improve as soon as possible.

One more day delay before leaving camp

In addition, citizens were delayed by one day before they could leave the quarantine center. Mr. Cai’s 8-year-old daughter took the same school bus with 11-year-old Shaodong of East Asia Pharmacy in Tuen Mun who was diagnosed earlier and became a close contact and had to be quarantined. Cai said that last Tuesday, he received a call from the Department of Health, informing the family of four that they would go to Penny’s Bay for quarantine, and they were arranged to leave after two days of staying home. During the home quarantine period, some staff reminded them not to go out unless they buy essential items. Tsai voluntarily extended the quarantine period to take care of her daughter. The two will leave Penny’s Bay this Friday, while Mrs. Tsai and the household contacts of her Filipino maid’s daughter only need to quarantine for 4 days, and they were originally scheduled to leave the day before. After the two tested negative in Penny’s Bay, they were not arranged to leave. The staff only told them to wait without explaining the reason. Cai said that in the parent group of her daughter’s school, at least 10 parents have also passed the quarantine period and have not been able to leave. Cai Taiyuan only had to stay in Penny’s Bay for one day, so he only carried a rucksack and a set of replacement clothes. They also did not buy a phone data card for the Filipino maid in advance. Cai scolded that “the original quarantine date can be left off.” . The Filipino maid was able to leave Penny’s Bay at about 7:30 last night, while Mrs. Cai left before midnight.

Liang Zichao: It is not ideal to stay at home for two days before being sent for quarantine

The Tsai family stayed at home for two days before being sent to Penny’s Bay. Respiratory specialist Liang Zichao described the arrangement as “not ideal”, because home isolation may cause vertical transmission, and he believes that the relevant persons should be sent to quarantine as soon as possible. He believes that the problem is due to the lack of manpower and facilities in the epidemic prevention system. If the epidemic prevention and control manpower is overwhelmed, the epidemic may get out of control, and the number of confirmed cases may increase exponentially. Zhang Zhujun, director of the Infectious Diseases Division of the Center for Health Protection, said yesterday that the quarantine center staff are busy with their work and have done their best.


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