France – New coronavirus cases reach 94,000

France announced today almost 94,000 new cases of Covid-19, raising the daily average of the previous seven days to a new high of 269,614, according to official data released on Monday , on the 14th consecutive day that this index shows an increase.

It should be noted that every Monday the number of new infections reported is significantly lower compared to other days, due to late reports at the weekend .

In the previous seven days the daily infections exceeded 300,000 three times and on Sunday it was more than 296,000.

Relaxation of the protocol for tests for students

Students will be able to take self-tests instead of molecular ones (PCR), as the increase in Covid-19 infections has made the health protocol more burdensome “This is expected to have an impact on the queues (outside pharmacies),” Castex said in an interview on Monday. on the France 2 television network.

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