Frenulum.eth Nets $696.7K in Just 2 Days with 134x $VISTA Trade

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  • Sohrab Khawas


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    Sohrab is a passionate cryptocurrency news writer with over five years of experience covering the industry. He keeps a keen interest in blockchain technology and its potential to revolutionize finance. Whether he’s trading or writing, Sohrab always keeps his finger on the pulse of the crypto world, using his expertise to deliver informative and engaging articles that educate and inspire. When he’s not analyzing the markets, Sohrab indulges in his hobbies of graphic design, minimal design or listening to his favorite hip-hop tunes.

  • Sep 3, 2024 11:01 UTC
  • Less than a minute
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In an impressive trading move, frenulum.eth made a massive 134x return by using 2.05 $ETH (worth $5.1K) to make 276.5 $ETH ($701.8K). Based on Lookonchain, it was achieved by trading $VISTA in a span of 48 hours. $VISTA, a token launched by @ethervista or PumpFun of ETH, has quickly gained attention due to its explosive price movements.

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