Fruits that we should eat during the fall

Each new time of the year is an opportunity not only to vary our outfits or makeup, but also our diet with the seasonal fruits . The autumn is here and with it come some fruits rich in antioxidants, vitamins and carbohydrates that will provide us with the energy we need on the coldest days.

Autumn-winter is the season in which there are higher rates of respiratory diseases that can be prevented if the human body’s defenses are at one hundred. This can be achieved mainly through a healthy diet , which includes all food groups including rich fruits.

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The Autumn fruits are good because their flavors are much more intense and their nutritional contributions are also greater than those of the same but that they are produced at another time of year. In addition, they can also be cheaper, an important issue for our family economy .


It is that semi-round fruit that adorns the altars that we place our dead in Mexico in the month of November. Mandarin is a citrus fruit very characteristic of autumn , with a lot of vitamin C and well known for being a great antioxidant. Fortunately, its season lasts until April, so we can enjoy it for a long time.


A very rich and original food, difficult to find in another season other than the autumn. Pomegranates are very nutritious fruits , full of vitamins and also with antioxidant elements. Its seeds can be eaten alone or as an ingredient in salads, smoothies and even in chiles en nogada, a traditional Mexican dish that is enjoyed during national holidays.


During the autumn a juicy and sweet fruit . Although the pear can be found in the recauderías all year round, the ideal is to enjoy it these months. It is rich in fiber, vitamin C and potassium. As it is 85 percent water, it is a great option for when looking to lose weight or treat fluid retention.


Although it is not the most popular fruit , kiwi brings many benefits to our health, especially for the digestive system and during the autumn season. It is a powerful natural laxative, in addition to containing a lot vitamin C and has few calories. If you are on a diet, you must include it in your diet.


The sweet taste of mango makes it one of the favorite fruits of many people. As it has a lot of water and vitamins A, C and E, in addition to minerals such as potassium, it is a good antioxidant and natural diuretic. Autumn is the ideal time to include it in a myriad of preparations such as desserts and salads . Its color immediately takes us back to this time.

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The grapes do not have to be reserved for the New Year’s celebration, from the autumn months you can enjoy its many benefits and rich flavor. They are very good for strengthening the immune system, but it should not be forgotten that they have an important caloric intake.

Fruits that we should eat during the fall

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