Gala Sky's politeness, permission to Siska so that she can eat Fuji's gift of ice cream, Jakarta Day by day, Gala Sky is almost never seen away from Aunt Andriansyah’s sister, Fujianti Utami Putri or who is often called Fuji.

A moment of togetherness nan adorable with Gala is often shared by the 19-year-old woman. This afternoon, Monday, January 10, 2022, Fuji re-uploaded a video with Gala.

In the video, the only son Vanessa Angel wants ice cream that is being eaten by his aunt. Fuji also requires Gala to first ask permission from her nanny, Siska.

“Gala if you want ice cream, let Siska go. Tell Siska, is it okay or not? cream him on me,” Fuji said in an upload Instagram Stories through his personal account @fuji_an on Monday, (10/1/2022).

Gala walked over to Siska to ask permission. After getting approval, the baby just returned to Fuji to ask for ice cream.

“Yes? Come here if you want. Yes, you can come here. Smart has permission, ” said Fuji.

“Funny bgttt permission first. Polite correct ,” Fuji wrote in the caption to complete the two videos he uploaded. .

Aunt Ardiansyah’s father, Haji Faisal, withdrew his application for custody of his grandson, Gala Sky. This is called to discuss the fate of Gala’s foster care through deliberation.

Self-control in children

Quotes Kids Health

, teach children to have self-control (self control) can be started as early as possible. One of them can be done by teaching them to ask permission when they want something.

Although it looks simple, this method is considered to be able to train them. Just like what Gala did to Siska when she wanted ice cream.

Babies between Gala’s age up to 2 years old will usually feel irritated and often respond with anger if her wish is not achieved.

So, it is important to teach children to have this control and make children understand that to get what they want, there must be a process that is achieved first.

So that they can learn to make the right decisions and give a positive response to existing decisions.


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