Google will convert G Suite accounts to Google Workspace. Entrepreneurs are not comforted

Google przekonwertuje konta G Suite na Google Workspace. Przedsiębiorcy nie są pocieszeni - nadciąga kolejna opłata It will be ten years this year since the closure of the free service called Google Apps. During her time, the giant from Mountain View allowed you to set up a Google account in your own internet domain completely for free, all thanks to G Suit accounts. Many companies use G Suit free of charge to this day. However, everything will change soon, because Google will close access to the service in a few months, including free e-mail accounts. For several months, more companies have been receiving e-mails in which the company informs about the end of the free service on May 1, 2022. Existing users who will still want to use their company accounts will be left with the paid version of Google Workspace, which will be free for the first two months.

Google will close access to the free G Suit service in a few months, including free email accounts. Entrepreneurs will be forced to switch to paid Google Workspace or to move to the competition.

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Google and Facebook fined for repeatedly not deleting content that in Russia considered illegal

Free G Suite users who wish to keep e.g. e-mail accounts with their company’s aliases will be forced to switch to paid Google Workspace, which means that entrepreneurs who set up a G Suit account even 16 years ago (i.e. at the start of the service) will receive something that So far, they had for free. If someone decides not to switch to Workspace by May 1, 2022, and does not provide billing data, their accounts will be suspended as of July 1, but if we already have this data assigned to G Suite and not we will make sure that the service is closed, the transfer to Workspace will take place on the spot, and payments (as Google mercifully decided to give 2 months free) will start on July 1.

Google will convert G Suite accounts to Google Workspace. Entrepreneurs are not consoled - another fee is approaching [2]

Google and Facebook fined for notorious non-removal of content considered illegal in Russia

Exactly, what expenses will the entrepreneurs incur due to the transfer? A Business Starter account, which offers not only e-mail, but also video meetings in Google Meet up to 100 users and 30 GB of cloud space for each user, costs PLN 20.70 per month per user. So if we employ 10 people in the company who use mail with the company’s alias (, then after a month we will have to pay 207 zlotys. Not so much, but if we employ a bit more of these people, the amount increases. However, if we want to be able to conduct video meetings for up to 150 people and record these meetings and receive as much as 2 TB for cloud data for each user, we will have to opt for the Business Standard account, which was valued at PLN 41.40

Google will convert G Suite accounts to Google Workspace. Entrepreneurs are not consoled - another fee is coming [3]

Source: Google

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