Government decides to change petroleum products

Islamabad: The government has decided to adjust the prices of petroleum products for the month of October.

According to sources, petroleum products are likely to become more expensive from October 1. OGRA has sent a summary of price hike to the Petroleum Division.

Sources say that the price of diesel. The price of petrol is likely to increase up to Rs 3.5 per liter while the price of petrol may go up to Rs 5.25 per liter. The final decision will be taken by the Finance Ministry in consultation with the Prime Minister. Sources say that at present the petroleum levy on petrol is Rs 5.62 per liter while the diesel levy is Rs 5.14 per liter on diesel.

Read also: Petroleum product prices announced for September

It should be noted that on September 15, the federal government had increased the prices of petroleum products by more than five rupees. And high speed diesel was Rs 120 four paise per liter, kerosene was Rs 92 26 paise while light diesel was Rs 90 69 paise.


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