Governor's Office announced: Music is banned after 12 pm!

Osmaniye Governor’s Office banned music broadcasting after 00.00, citing the Omicron variant. Accordingly, music will be broadcast in wedding and wedding ceremonies until 00.00 at night.

Wednesday, January 12, 2022, 22:47

Valilik duyurdu: Gece 12'den sonra müzik yasaklandı!Valilik duyurdu: Gece 12'den sonra müzik yasaklandı!


Osmaniye Provincial Hygiene Board provides accommodation facilities, places to eat and drink. It is forbidden to broadcast music after 00.00 in wedding and engagement ceremonies.

Justification: OMICRON

In a written statement from the Governor’s Office, there has been an increase in the spread of the disease with the effect of Omicron, the new variant of Covid-19, and a decrease in the number of daily cases in Turkey with the effect of this variant.

It was announced that a series of decisions were taken by the Provincial Hygiene Board in order to minimize the effect of the epidemic, manage the risk it poses in terms of public health and public order, and keep the spread of the disease under control. .


Accordingly, “ Until a new decision is taken, music broadcasts, including those performed live in places such as accommodation facilities, eating and drinking places, It was unanimously decided that it could be held until 12:00 at night, that music broadcasts, including live music performances at wedding and wedding ceremonies, could be made until 12:00 at night, and that judicial and administrative action be taken against those who do not comply if the decision is not followedValilik duyurdu: Gece 12'den sonra müzik yasaklandı! ” was said.

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