GREAT NEWS FOR PENSIONERS Darija Kisić delighted the oldest citizens

Improving the quality of life of the elderly in Serbia is one of the priorities of the Ministry of Labor, with a special emphasis on increasing their pensions, said yesterday the Minister Prof. dr Darija Kisić Tepavčević on the occasion of the International Day of Older Persons.

– We have an increase in the payment of contributions to the budget of the Pension and Disability Insurance Fund, which caused a reduction in the deficit when it comes to the payment of pensions and in recent months for the first time since the establishment of this fund pensioners of PIO employees – she said in the Assembly of Serbia.

She added that the conditions for increasing pensions have been met and that we now have a stable and sustainable increase of two to three percent. In the previous period, special attention was paid to the categories of pensioners with the lowest incomes who are paid pension supplements. Several years ago, thanks to economic growth, opportunities were created for at least one payment of one-time assistance to the most endangered , writes Politika.

– The last such help arrived on September 22nd. The next one will be in the first half of 2022, when the payment of 20,000 dinars is planned, which is the largest one-time aid ever paid – stated Kisić Tepavčević.

Relja Ognjenović, Deputy Director of the Pension and Disability Insurance Fund, stated that 0.1 percent of the planned income is set aside for the social standard of pensioners. That is more than 557 million dinars, and thanks to the stable policy of the state, its president and the increase in the number of new jobs next year, we expect it to be 10 percent higher.

In the past 10 years, 110,000 pensioners have been provided with free access to spas. Despite this and 2020, it is provided for more than 30,000 pensioners.

– Revenues and contributions in the Pension and Disability Insurance Fund are getting better and that gives us the right to talk about increasing pensions and new benefits such as this one in February of 20,000 dinars. From May until today, we continue with the trend of reducing state subsidies for the payment of pensions. So, today, they have been lowered to 16%, with a tendency for it to go even lower next year – said Ognjenović.

As a reminder, until only a few years ago, almost 48 percent of the total funds were allocated from the budget for pensions, Politika writes.

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