GRIEF: Councilwoman Crisitiane Lopes issues note on the death of Beto Andreolli

May the Holy Spirit of God comfort the hearts of all family members and friends in this moment of deep sadness, says the text

Councilwoman Cristiane Lopes issued a note of regret, lamenting the death of Alberto Andreolli, which occurred in the early hours of this Sunday (12), in Porto Velho. He is the son of journalist Paulo Andreolli, from the website Rondoniaovivo.

See the text of the Porto Velho councilor:

Note of regret for the passing of Alberto Andreolli

Councilwoman Cristiane Lopes (PP) expresses her solidarity with the Andreolli family, in particular with journalist Paulo Andreolli for the death of her son Alberto de Carvalho Andreolli, which occurred in the early hours of this Sunday.

Beto, as he was known, was a simple young man, always very friendly and attentive to everyone around him.

May the Holy Spirit of God comfort the hearts of all family and friends in this moment of deep sadness.

Cristiane Lopes


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