GRIEF: Legislative Assembly issues note of regret for the death of Alberto Andreolli

The president of the Legislative Assembly of Rondônia, deputy Laerte Gomes, on behalf of all state deputies, issued a note of regret, lamenting the death of Alberto Andreolli, son of journalist Paulo Andreolli, which occurred in the early hours of this Sunday (12), in Porto Velho.

Read the note Note of regret for the passing of Alberto de Carvalho Andreolli

The members of the Legislative Assembly of Rondônia received with regret the sad news of the death of businessman Alberto de Carvalho Andreolli, a member of the Rondoniavivo family.

In this moment of pain and suffering, we pray to God that He can comfort the family and reserve a place in the Celestial House for father, friend and companion Alberto de Carvalho Andreolli.

To journalist Paulo Andreolli, the House asks our Eternal Father to pour His blessings on the family.

Laerte Gomes ( PSDB)

President of the Legislative Assembly of Rondônia

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