Gyeongsangnam-do promotes discussion by field of 'Ultra-wide cooperation' in Busan

Gyeongsangnam-do is promoting full-fledged discussion forums in various fields for social discussion on Busan, Ulsan, and Gyeongnam ultra-wide cooperation plans.

▲ Young local creators held a discussion on the 28th with the topic of ‘How to live well in the local area’ look there.

According to Gyeongnam Province on the 29th, the discussion forum was held in △ Youth-friendly, super-wide cooperation △ Health care Building a big data platform, revitalizing rural and rural convergence industries, and creating a food community will be held 10 times in each field.

First, on the 28th, youth About 20 people including value creators (local creators), participants of ‘Outdoor Island’, and local youth participated in the first discussion on the topic of ‘how to live well in the area that young people are looking for’.

A youth local value creator (local creator) who was selected for the Ministry of Public Administration and Security’s youth village creation contest project and is currently operating the second ‘Outdoor Island’, collaborated with ‘Creation for Sharing’ The first discussion was held on the topic of ‘How to live’.

Outdoor Island participant Kim Young-hyeon said, “Only some young people can find employment in public institutions and large corporations. “I hope that the police will take the lead and radically change the youth employment policy. We need to find a way to find out what policy is for the majority of young people, not just a few,” he emphasized.

Another participant, Yerin Heo, said, “The youth community is well developed in the metropolitan area, so you can share various information, try new challenges, and enjoy together. Community and space are desperately needed.”

In-guk Yoon, Director of the Future Strategy Bureau of Gyeongnam Province, said, “Through the Provincial Advisory Committee, meetings with private councils, and visiting briefing sessions, We have laid the foundation for raising awareness of the city and forming a consensus,” he said.

Gyeongnam-do plans to hold a final expert-invited discussion forum after 10 rounds of discussion, refine it into a policy agenda, and deliver the results to the Busan Metropolitan Police Agency.

UPI News / Reporter Park Dong-wook

[저작권자ⓒ UPI뉴스. 무단전재-재배포 금지]

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