Hamburger was 93 years old: actor Heinz Lieven is dead

Monday, October 4th, 2021

Hamburger turned 93 years old Actor Heinz Lieven is dead


War also internationally active: Heinz Lieven.

(Photo: imago / Independent Photo Agency)

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Heinz Lieven has been an actor for more than 70 years. He is not only known for TV series such as “Großstadtrevier”, but also appears on theaters and participates in international film productions. Now the man from Hamburg died at the age of 93.

The actor Heinz Lieven is dead. He died at the age of 93 in his hometown of Hamburg, his agency announced. During his decades-long career, he has also appeared in front of the camera for international productions. He starred alongside Oscar winner Sean Penn in 2011 in Cheyenne – This Must Be The Place. According to his agent, Lieven died last week on Monday with his family.

The television audience knew Heinz Lieven from numerous series such as “Neues vom Süderhof” in the role of grandpa Bernhard Brendel, from ” Emergency call Hafenkante “as Mr. Rosenkötter and from the” Großstadtrevier “. He also appeared in TV classics such as “Tatort”, “Adelheid and their murderers” and “OP ruft Dr. Bruckner”.

Guest in Cannes and Venice

The actor has appeared at international festivals with several films, such as “Cheyenne – This Must Be The Place” in Cannes. In 2010 he once said about the filming: “For me it is absolutely terrific and almost unbelievable to have another chance to play such a role in a production of this caliber.” Later, in 2015, he was also a guest at the Venice Film Festival with the thriller “Remember”.

Lieven had his last role last year – when he was over 90 years old – in one Episode of the ZDF crime series “Solo für Weiss” with Anna Maria Mühe and Peter Jordan. Lieven, born in April 1928, has also appeared in numerous theaters – such as the Kampnagel Hamburg, the Schiller Theater in Berlin and the Württemberg State Theater in Stuttgart.

Source:, nan / dpa


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