Hardbacon Reveals The Best Prepaid Credit Cards In Canada For 2022

The list highlights the main features of 11 prepaid credit cards available to Canadians to help them make the best choice for their lifestyle and needs.

Hardbacon, a personal finance application used by more than 35,000 Canadians, revealed today its list of top prepaid credit cards in Canada for 2022.

Prepaid credit cards have grown in popularity in Canada, in part due to the numerous advantages they provide. Prepaid credit cards work like a debit card, but with the benefits of a credit card. Unlike a credit card, you can’t spend more than your available funds, but you can make necessary purchases like booking a hotel or renting a car.

For Canadians who are interested in opening a prepaid card, there are a wide variety to choose from. To help make the process easier and as part of Hardbacon’s mission to help Canadians make better financial decisions, Hardbacon has rounded-up the best prepaid cards, and broken down everything you need to know about them before you sign up.

“Prepaid credit cards are an ideal alternative to traditional credit cards,” said Hardbacon CEO, Julien Brault. “For any Canadian looking to make the most of their money, this list offers an easy way to find and discover the best card for your personal needs.”

Hardbacon’s list highlights the main features of 11 prepaid credit cards available to Canadians, including monthly fees and spending limits associated with each card, to help Canadians make the best choice for their lifestyle and needs.

The 11 Best Prepaid Credit Cards in Canada in 2022, According to Hardbacon:

  • Koho Visa Prepaid Credit Card
  • The STACK Prepaid Mastercard
  • The Mogo Visa Platinum Prepaid Card
  • The BMO Prepaid Travel Mastercard
  • CIBC Smart Prepaid Visa Card
  • CIBC Smart Prepaid Travel Visa Card
  • The CIBC Air Canada Conversion Visa Prepaid Card
  • The Canada Post Cash Passport Mastercard
  • The Vanilla Prepaid Visa and Mastercard
  • The Titanium+ Prepaid Mastercard
  • The American Express Prepaid Cards

Hardbacon’s top prepaid credit cards for 2022, including the complete list of 11 best prepaid credit cards in Canada for 2022, can be found in more detail on Hardbacon’s blog.

About Hardbacon

Hardbacon helps Canadians plan, budget and invest, while also enabling users to compare different financial services such as credit cards, bank accounts, online brokers, robo-advisors, mortgages and crypto exchanges. Hardbacon is available for download in the App Store and Google Play Store.

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