Haryana Farmers’ Outfit Withdraws Call To Block NH After Assurance

The Bhartiya Kisan Union (Charuni) withdrew on Wednesday a call to block National Highway 44 in Ambala as Haryana Home Minister Anil Vij gave an assurance on its demand.

The BKU (Charuni) led by Gurnam Singh Charuni had given a call to the farmers to block NH44 on Thursday over the state government’s alleged failure to withdraw all cases registered against the farmers during the agitation against the now-repealed farm laws.

Charuni said Vij accepted their demand during a meeting with a delegation of farmers, following which they decided not to go ahead with their call to block NH 44. He added that the outfit would organise a meeting in Mohra near the Ambala Cantonment grain market on Thursday instead of blocking the highway.

Vij told reporters that the government had said all cases, barring heinous ones, would be withdrawn. “I have assured them that the process is on, after which they decided to withdraw their call for tomorrow,” the minister said.

A total of 294 cases were registered during the farmers’ protest against farm laws, out of which permission to cancel 163 cases had been received from the state government, according to a statement from the home minister’s office last week. In 98 cases, the court has allowed to withdraw the cases.

In four cases, a permission was pending from the state government, three had been stayed by a Sonipat court and a case had been listed untraceable in Palwal, while the process to withdraw the rest of them was underway, it had said.  

(With PTI inputs)

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